A more complicated revenge

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan dealt with CNN's report.
It wrote: CNN quoted American officials and reported that Iran's response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh will probably be bigger and more complicated than the True Promise. Prominent Western and American media outlets have put the assassination of martyr Ismail Haniyeh, the late political leader of Hamas, as well as Iran's anger and possible revenge for this criminal act of the Zionist regime, at the top of their news, reports, and analyses in recent days. These media outlets acknowledged the power of Iran in a devastating and heavier attack on the occupied territories than before, and by maneuvering the American forces in the region and also supporting Israel, they unintentionally admitted the weakness of the failed Zionist regime against Iran. They also confirmed that Iran's possible revenge, response, and attack this time will be much more severe and lead to a more fundamental blow to the Zionist regime. Israel should expect bloody revenge in the coming hours and days.
Shargh: The assassination of diplomacy
In a commentary, Shargh investigated the effect of the assassination of martyr Haniyeh on the de-escalating foreign policy of the Pezeshkian administration. The paper said: The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh has acted as a turning point in the developments of the region. Undoubtedly, this operation can lead to unpredictable events in the Middle East. Therefore, doing analysis has become very difficult for observers to the point where almost no one can evaluate the future with certainty. On the other hand, just as the new president of Iran is preparing to run the country, the shadow of tension and even war with Israel has caused most analysts to believe in some kind of unwanted crisis in the foreign policy of the 14th government. According to this view, it seems that Israel is trying to diplomatically block the 14th government before its inauguration by assassinating Haniyeh. According to Ali Majedi, Iran's former ambassador to Germany and Japan, with the crisis caused by Haniyeh's assassination, the Pezeshkian government can hardly carry out its declared plans in interaction with the West.
Arman-e-Melli: Response to terrorist operations at several levels
In an interview with Ahmad Dastmalchian, the former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Arman-e-Melli discussed Iran's reaction against Israel and wrote: Although Israel has not yet claimed responsibility for this assassination, everyone acknowledges that Netanyahu was the cause of this assassination. It is possible that Iran will directly launch rockets at Israel like in the True Promise operation, or that this time the Axis of Resistance will take revenge for Israel in Iran. It seems that the second scenario is serious and the first scenario is certain, and probably the entire Axis of Resistance in the region will independently attack Israel. Tehran should deal with Israel on two levels. First of all, Tehran's engagement should be at the political level, and secondly, it should put pressure on Israel from other levels as well. At the political level, it should be made clear in international forums, in Europe, and in other countries that the Israeli regime is a clear example of state terrorism and does not believe in any international law, and its actions should be condemned. On other levels, Israel should be punished now, as it was punished in the True Promise operation.
Iran: American media is the terrorist arm of Mossad
In an article, the Iran newspaper addressed the denial of the lies of the New York Times and said: The IRGC announced in a declaration that the terrorist operation that led to the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh by firing a short-range projectile with a warhead of about 7 kg was carried out from outside the accommodation area of ??the guests. The importance of the IRGC's third declaration is that it rejects the claims of the New York Times newspaper because this American media tried to confuse not only public opinion, but also the accurate narrative of this assassination with stories like Haniyeh's martyrdom with a bomb, or the existence of a human agent. The fact is that in every terror where traces of the Zionist regime are seen, the American newspaper New York Times immediately intervenes. The point is that this American newspaper never investigates these assassinations from moral, human, or political aspects. Rather, it deviates from the issue of terrorism and always tries to give an epic form to these heinous and political murders of the Zionist regime by providing unconfirmed technical and military details.
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